Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Food Politics and People on Medical Leave and NEVER BEING ALONE

So, I was really going to delve into food politics today. I was going to cite sources and make thoughtful comments and really work out what my opinion was on all of this stuff.
And here I am, sitting with my son, finally the television is off so I can work on writing and here he is, eating ice cream and talking to me. Talking talking talking. So much talking. And I know it is all my fault because I am the one who taught him to speak. He's being super nice and asking me if he can help me with anything. Also, "why are you making that noise?" and "is it something I said?"
My husband is home on medical leave because he had colon surgery. He is home all of the time now. He is healing. It's great that he is home all of the time. I love him. I married him because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Unfortunately, I didn't realize at the time, I was also marrying the very loudest of volume controls on the television.
In a month, my husband will return to work, and I will be able to listen to Harry Belafonte records again. Until then, I have to listen to every Nazi gold program and Alien Mystery investigative report that the History Channel has ever produced. I can't write during this time. I can only complain.
I'm TRYING to read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. I went through a phase of reading everything she wrote (mostly memoirs and diatribes on the oppression of migrant workers), until I just couldn't take any more righteous indignation. This particular book is about growing your own food and eating seasonally, and it's a memoir as well as an investigation into modern U.S. food ways. It's pretty good. Lots of citations! I'm so jealous!
Poem tomorrow. Sorry, Michael Vargas, it's as good as it's going to get for the next few weeks. I just can't coordinate my thoughts.
It might even be a haiku.
Haikus are easy.


At April 22, 2014 at 8:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiakus are decidedly NOT easy. To restrictive for my taste. And less than enough space to adequately express myself.


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